My talk at The Next Hope (my conference writeup and photos here) was called Hacking for An Audience, and gives an overview of entertainment technology for live shows, details some of the ways we have "misused" technology in our industry, and also details some reliability strategies that we use to make sure that the show goes on. The conference organizers have now released free audio recordings of all the talks (I've downloaded many of the talks I missed for an upcoming road trip), and you can also buy videos of any of the talks here for a ridiculously low $5, with proceeds going towards conference expenses. I took the audio from my talk, edited the Powerpoint slides in, added a few bonus photos, and a bunch of links. 

You can watch it here, it's just under an hour:

Or download the audio here (clicking that link will download the mp3 file).  I really enjoyed giving this talk and can't wait for the next Hope (2012).


Colorado and New Mexico Trip Part I


David Byrne on the Impact of Spaces on Music