ACN EPI's In Public Review

OK, if you don't understand that title, don't worry.  EPI's are "Profiles for Interoperability" for ACN, the amazing new entertainment control standard.  If that makes sense to you, please head over to: and read these over and comment by the August 26, 2008 deadline.

If you just want to use ACN and get all the new functionality it offers, I'd suggest reading my article and then contacting your favorite manufacturer to tell them you want it NOW.  We've been waiting long enough!

 Here's the EPI's in review, some of which are VERY interesting for show control people:

  • BSR E1.30-1-200x, EPI 23, Device Identification Subdevice EPI 23 specifies a templated device for device identification as typically used for remote hardware and software devices.

  • BSR E1.30-2-200x, EPI 24, Internet Protocol Properties Subdevice EPI 24 specifies two template devices, each describing a block of properties used for supplying information on and configuring the Internet Protocol (IP) configuration of a device, using DMP. These devices may typically be used for remote hardware or software devices to allow configuration over the network.

  • BSR E1.30-3-200x, EPI 25, Time Reference in ACN Systems Using SNTP and NTP EPI 25 specifies restrictions and guidelines for establishment of a common time reference across components within an ACN system using SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) and optionally NTP (Network Time Protocol). This EPI does not define a control synchronization model.

  • BSR E1.30-4-200x, EPI 26, Device Description Language (DDL) Extensions for DMX512 and E1.31 Devices
    EPI 26 defines protocol specific extensions to Device Description Language for describing DMX512-type devices.

  • BSR E1.30-5-200x, EPI 27, Operation of SDT on Wireless Networks EPI 27 outlines issues with SDT usage over wireless networks, specifically 802.11g. It proposes changes to EPI 18 constants and speculates on 802.11n.

  • BSR E1.30-6-200x, EPI 28, Independent Device Location Properties EPI 28 specifies a non-templated device for Independent Device Location properties as typically used for remote hardware and software devices.

  • BSR E1.30-7-200x, EPI 29, Allocation of Internet Protocol Version 4 Addresses to ACN Hosts EPI 29 obsoletes ACN EPI 13 (Allocation of Internet Protocol Version 4 Addresses to ACN Hosts). The principle reason for this revision is to allow assignment of static IP addresses and provide guidance for how to manage systems using these methods.

  • BSR E1.30-8-200x, EPI 30, Time Code Properties EPI 30 specifies a non-templated device for Time Code properties as typically used for remote hardware and software devices.

  • BSR E1.30-9-200x, EPI 31, MIDI System Exclusive Properties EPI 31 specifies a non-templated device for MIDI System Exclusive properties as typically used for remote hardware and software devices.

  • BSR E1.30-10-200x, EPI 32, Identification of Draft Device Description Language Modules EPI 32 specifies how draft DDL modules that may be changed frequently during development shall be marked as experimental.


Todd Robbin's New Show--Hoodwinked--Live In Montreal!


Les Paul