Did Disney Buy Blue Man Group?
I heard an interesting (and completely unsubstantiated) rumor yesterday: Disney bought Blue Man Group, and will be shutting down some or all of the local shows.
Has anyone heard anything about this? If so, please post a comment.
I searched the intertubes and couldn't find anything...
Update on 2008-08-25 15:01 by controlgeek
Hmm, sounds like something big is going on. I heard from one person inside that they have let a large number of performers go and also seem to be cleaning house in preparation for something big.
Update on 2008-08-26 12:59 by controlgeek
In response to my original message posting, Jeffrey Salzberg reported on the Stagecraft Mailing List:
They've laid off 50 people in NY alone and are closing their shops,
according to a friend who (still) works for them.
Update on 2008-09-01 12:34 by controlgeek
Something's going on (I know more than I can report), but Bill Sapsis reported on the Stagecraft Mailing List:
I don't know where that thread went but if anyone is still curious, I have
the word from the Blue Man folks in NY that they have NOT been bought by
Disney, nor are there any talks going on. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.