$1000 for Behind the Scenes!

Back in November, I started a special promotion offering $10 off my book, Show Networks and Control Systems.  And, for each copy sold under the promotion, I promised to donate $10 of my royalties to Behind the Scenes, the great charity for backstage workers.The promotion ends today, and 43 people bought 48 copies of the book, so that's $480!  Since this industry has been very good to me, it's been a good year, and the book has been doing well, I doubled that and donated $1000. Thanks to everyone who purchased a copy, and I hope you enjoy it!

p.s. I'll leave the discount code active for another day or so, act soon if you want $10 off!


My Favorite Photos of 2012


Moment Factory's "Winter Sweet" Light Show on Atlantic City's Boardwalk Hall