New "Introduction to Show Networking" Book!

Coming soon! Here’s the description from the back cover:

Introduction to Show Networking covers the basics of how Ethernet networks provide a platform for entertainment control and audio/video media distribution for concerts, theatre productions, corporate and special events, cruise ship revues, wrestling shows, houses of worship, museum presentations, fountain spectaculars—any kind of show presented live for an audience. The book’s bottom-up approach was designed with show technicians in mind, starting with the basics and then moving up through cables, network switches, and layering, and on through Ethernet, and network components like TCP, UDP, IP and subnet masks, all with a practical focus. More advanced concepts are introduced, including broadcast storms and VLANs, along with show networking best practices. Closing out the book is a network design process demonstrated through practical, real-world examples for lighting, sound, video, scenic automation, and show control networks. An appendix covering binary and hexadecimal numbers is also included. This easy-reading book draws from Huntington’s Show Networks and Control Systems, the industry standard since 1994, but is completely re-focused, reorganized, and updated.

My target release date is October, 2020. If you’d like more information emailed to you as it becomes available please sign up here.

Here is the draft Table of Contents.

Print ISBN-13: 978-1-7357638-0-4

EBook ISBN-13: 978-1-7357638-1-1

LCCN: 2020918289


I'm Giving Away 100 Copies of My New Book: Introduction to Show Networking


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