Meow Wolf Denver and Las Vegas

I went to the first Meow Wolf House of Eternal Return installation in an abandoned bowling alley in Sante Fe almost seven years ago back in 2016, and was completely blown away by it. I had never seen anything like it; I have a full writeup and lots of photos here. There’s a story underneath it, but no map. You have to just wander around and find your way around. I actually had to leave the building and look from the outside to understand that I had missed a whole section. The original one doesn’t have much tech, but instead is the best kind of immersion—actual scenery.
In November of last year I got to the new installations in Denver and Vegas. Maybe it’s like seeing your first Cirque show, where the first one is surprising and remains the best, but (at least my recollections of) the Sante Fe one for me remains the most interesting. That said, the other two are both unique and interesting and worth a visit. Here’s a few photos—click any to enlarge. (Another sign of the times is that while I shot the 2016 installation with my big Nikon camera, I shot all these with my Google Pixel 7).
Denver-Convergence Station
The installation in Denver is really massive, and multi level, with a sort of space station theme (I didn’t have time to go through and try to figure out the story—you’d need multiple visits for that).
Meow Wolf is insanely popular now, and it will be interesting to see where they go from here. Next up is an installation in Dallas. A lot more on the company in a recent Fast Company article here.