I’ve been to a bunch of these “immersive” installations (for lack of a better word), and I have to say a lot of them are pretty ho-hub. But I was relentlessly targeted by Mercer Labs Instagram ads, so on Sunday I finally checked it out, and I thought it was pretty good.

While the start of this experience is a fairly typical projection installation (which I find kind of boring these days), one of the thing that sets this “museum” apart is that it contains a number of physical installations. There’s a room full of pneumatic tubes with moving pieces, an industrial robot drawing in the sand, and a stunning 3D LED installation.

This show is credited to artist Roy Nachum, who I didn’t know but apparently is famous for a Rhianna album cover. I’m still not sure if I’d call this a “museum”, and I’m not sure if there was any narrative or even really a clear theme underlying the work, but if you like this stuff, and can afford it (it’s about $60) I’d say check it out. Click any photo to enlarge.


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