2025 Show Control Geekout!

Photo from after the last geekout at Alcorn in 2019

The Show Control Geekout case studies during Infocomm return!  For COVID and other reasons, the geekout that Jim Janninck (Timberspring) and I have organized for many years has been on hiatus since 2019, but we will be returning this year on the evening of June 12, 2025, starting at 6:30pm. While Jim and I run the event, this year Alcorn McBride has once again generously offered to host!

This will be the 15th Geekout (writeups on past events here), which consists of a series of short case studies on realized show control projects, and then a social get together.  Admission is free and all are welcome but please sign up here so we can get an approximate headcount. 

We have some fantastic presentations (listed here in order of submission)

Quantum Wellness Spa

Marc Rosenthal of Personal Creations, Inc describes a show control system he created for Quantum Spa in Los Angeles, which incorporates multiple experiential spaces based on “Refresh, Rejuvenate, Remember”. The Spa includes Ice Baths in a room with backlit kinetic walls and ceilings; large sauna with undulating lighting in wall and ceiling ribs; Earth room with complete underlit quartz floor; a lounge with tea bar with lenticular wall paper and ceiling ribs lighting, and more. Control is built off a Medialon Showmaster, with tight integration with the multi-channel QSys sound system. Features included main control interface in a drawer at reception; touch pads with custom graphic control in every room; individual sound iPad/Spotify sound sources in key treatment rooms along with background music throughout; lighting control for all architectural and decorative lighting effects; sauna heater control; full system auto on/off scheduling with Clean mode for overnight cleaners. 

Fitting a Nonlinear Show Into a Timeline Hole: Control System Design for The Twenty-Sided Tavern

Chet Miller of 4Wall Entertainment will discuss the methodology, philosophy, and overall architecture for the Dungeons and Dragons themed off Broadway production of The Twenty Sided Tavern. The show has thousands of story variations and non-linear storytelling. Miller will discuss how lighting, sound, and video were controlled by a single server successfully for hundreds of performances.

Reflecting on IlluminiNations: Reflections of Earth

Photo by chensiyuan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10374651

David Hynds, a 30-year Disney veteran in theme park show technology, now with techStrategy consulting LLC, explores design strategies and technical challenges in translating the creative vision for a show into a park-wide control system for a legacy theme park. 

One More Exciting Presentation To Come!

We have one more exciting presentation lined up, but we’re still waiting for final approval to post. Watch this space for more. In the meantime:

Please Register Here!


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