Won a Second USITT Herbert D. Greggs Merit Award!

My first Herbert D. Greggs award from 2004, proudly displayed in my office

I just received a very nice holiday surprise: I won the USITT (US Institute for Theatre Technology) Herbert D. Greggs Merit award...for the second time!

This was for my article Bridging Art and State-of-the-Art (one of two I wrote while on sabbatical, you can read them both here) in the peer-reviewed journal TD&T (Theatre Design and Technology). This award is a surprise and an honor, especially since I also won the same award in 2004 for the article Rethinking Entertainment Technology Education, which I revisited for this new work. The actual award will be presented at the annual USITT conference in Houston in April. Thanks USITT!


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Speaking at NAMM 2020