The International Church of Cannabis "Beyond"

The philosopher Daniel Dennett wrote some time ago about the future of religion, and if I recall right he speculated about the future of church buildings, with one option becoming some kind of community center. And The International Church of Cannabis is probably the kind of thing he was thinking about. They took an old church building, and painted the hell out of (or into?) the sanctuary. and now produce the Beyond Light Show projection mapping production. On a pretty small budget they have produced a well done show, featuring the usual Pink Floyd and Jefferson Airplane and some meditation and inspirational quotes. You can't imbibe during the public shows and you're not supposed to take photos during the show but since they had a quote about free thinkers not liking rules, I discreetly shot a few with my Pixel 7 (click any for larger).

This attraction is very good supporting evidence to my thesis (which you can read here) that live entertainment technology hit a maturity point back in 2010. That mature technology has made affordable pretty amazing tools that are now available for small groups like this. To do this kind of stuff even ten years ago would have needed tons of expertise and millions of dollars of gear; now it can be run off of one Mac (see below), some inexpensive projectors, and some good ideas (and a lot of cannabis, I assume)


My Lightning Photo Was One of the Winners of WNYC Brian Lehrer "Best Photo Sitting On Your Phone" 2022!


Meow Wolf Denver and Las Vegas